Florenz (IT)

CfP: The Medici Beyond Florence. Art and Politics, 1530–1648

The conference focuses on the presence and circulation of Medicean cultural models within an Italian, European and global research framework, from the beginning of the ducal era (1530) to the end of the Thirty Years' War (1648).

We welcome contributions on the topic which focus on objects, collections and the mobility of artists, tying the arguments to specific political-ideological contexts, focusing on the relationship between art and power, and on the exchange, hybridization and recontextualization of political values and their symbols.

The conference will be held in presence, remotely or in hybrid form in accordance with current restrictions.

Einsendefrist: 30.09.2021
veröffentlicht am: 30.08.2021, Quelle: Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz