Preise und Stipendien
Bewerbungsfrist: 30.11.2020
ausschreibende Institution:

Midlands4Cities Phd Scholarships – Contemporary Chinese Art and Visual Culture

The AHRC-funded Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M4C) is awarding up to 89 doctoral studentships for UK and international applicants for 2021 entry through an open competition and 21 Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDA) through a linked competition with a range of partner organisations in the cultural, creative and heritage sector.
The fields of Chinese Contemporary Art and Visual Culture are strongly represented across the consortium. The Centre for Chinese Visual Arts at Birmingham City University in partnership with the University of Nottingham and De Montfort University is inviting applications from students whose research interests connect with our fields of expertise.

veröffentlicht am: 26.10.2020, Quelle:, 23.10.2020